Tuesday, August 14, 2012

In God's Time

                          On April 7th 2011  after eight years being employed at my previous employer I  was laid off,  I thought that job would take me to my retirement .I had a good job, made Great  money,  a company vehicle to drive to and from work. For someone who  only had a high school education  it was   pretty darn good .I never thought I would have a job like that but once I was there I thought I would be there for a long time..... but that door was closed , I seen it coming  though for several months . At 52 years old I was unemployed , up until that time   it had been 25 years plus since I was unemployed.     I took some time off ,I was tired, stressed, and confused about my career,I needed a break. After several weeks  I started applying for jobs  but no calls ,no responses .I was applying for all these jobs and knew I was qualified Why couldn't I  at least get  a call? along the way I got a few email responses  thanking me for my response to ads, but no interviews .  I went through a lot of different emotions , I prayed about it , we prayed about it, my friends prayed about it but nothing.  I was at a close friends house for a cookout one time and we were discussing it and he said "Robert its not in your time it's in God's time" I knew this but it was the first time someone else had put it to me like he had . After 8 or 9 months I started to doubt myself and question God's plan for me but that kept coming back to me again and again  "In His time Robert , In His time" Back  in March I did get a job that I worked  briefly at "but it just didn't seem right, not a good fit"  As I look back  it's all clear to me now, God was testing me, humbling me, preparing me .  When I interviewed for my current job   I had interviewed for the sametype of  position  a week prior at another healthcare facility. Two jobs within two weeks  for the same position .God was executing His plan in His time. I am really enjoying this job, each day there is usually something that  touches me and I smile a lot .  I am so thankful for where  He has put me .

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